• Scenario 1: Irish citizen goes abroad within the EU and requires medical attention. The patient can share their own health data (PS) to the HP on their mobile app or web portal using the xShare Yellow Button. 


  • Scenario 2: Sharing Health Data a Regional Level: Irish citizen is in another region of Ireland and requires medical attention. The patient can share their own health data (PS) to the HP on their mobile app or web portal using the xShare Yellow Button. 


  • Scenario 3: Irish citizen has been scheduled treatment/procedure within the EU. The patient can share their own translated health data (PS) to the HP on their mobile app or web portal using the xShare Yellow Button. 
Document Version: 
Responsible party: 
Ireland - HSE (add contact email address)
As-Is Situation: 

When an Irish citizen goes abroad within the EU or to another location within Ireland, and requires medical attention, they seek medical attention and try to describe their symptoms, diagnoses, and medications to the HP in country of treatment. They have no paper or digital means to show the HP and rely on HP ability to understand patient and get their relevant health data. In many cases, patients, under duress, cannot remember their full medical history, medication lists etc. 

An Irish citizen can also have “Planned Medical Treatment” (scheduled care) either Nationally or Cross Border. On arrival to the selected HP, they have a large paper file (in English) with personal health data. As stated before, they have no means to show the HP and rely on HP ability to understand patient and material in file.

Currently available products/services and its vendors: 
Acute Hospitals: St. James, Mater and Tallaght, Dublin (different vendors).
National systems: Maternal & Newborn Clinical Management System (MN-CMS) in most maternity hospitals and units, roll out to be completed this year. (Cerner).
National Integrated Medical Imaging System (NIMIS) – Medical Images (McKesson).
National Laboratory Information System (MedLIS) – Laboratory Reports and Studies (Cerner).
Actors/Users and their Roles: 

Patients (or their representatives) 

  • Scenario 1: on holidays and requires medical attention. 
  • Scenario 2: away from home in another part of Ireland and requires medical attention 
  • Scenario 3: scheduled for medical treatment 

Healthcare providers 

Assess and provide appropriate healthcare including prescriptions if required 

EHR/SCR systems 

Allows access to and provides patient health data in suitable format 

Apps and portals 

Mobile Health App or web portal to enable the transfer or sharing of health data 

User Perspective: 
Faster assessment and diagnoses by HP. Reduced waiting times and improved patient care resulting in increased patient safety.
System Perspective: 
xShare Yellow Button is pressed, SCR system accessed securely and data available for sharing.
Health Information Domain(s) - HIDs: 
Patient summary
Scenarios for the xShare Yellow Button: 


xShare Yellow Button basic functionality 



One-time share 

Linked options 

Start TRL 

End TRL 

Patient summary 






Electronic prescription 






Electronic dispensation 






Medical image  
and image report 






Laboratory results 






Discharge report 












Care plan 






National/regional strategy: 
Slaintecare - National Strategy, 10-year programme to transform health and social care in Ireland.
eHealth Strategy – national strategy, to be published May 2024.
HSE - Reorganising into 6 new Health regions as an important part of Slaintecare strategy
HSE – Data strategy, to define standards and interoperability.
Strategy towards EHDS: 
Ireland is fully committed to EHDS and are currently setting up our Health Data Access Body and completing relevant legislation to support EHDS.
Business Goals/Benefits and KPIs: 
  • Faster assessment and diagnoses by HP. 
  • Reduced waiting times. 
  • Improved patient care. 
  • Increasing patient safety. 
On a patient mobile app or web portal.
Data Preconditions: 
Data must be valid, available, and come from NCP as this validates its accuracy and integrity.
System Preconditions: 
Mobile app/ Web portal must be live and has the xShare Yellow Button integrated.
User Preconditions: 
User should be able to access mobile app/web portal and their health data.
Must understand why they can or should do this.
They should also have given prior explicit consent (opted in) in the NCP to enable data sharing “legal requirement”.
Patient needs medical attention from HP and needs to share their patient summary information
Localisation, where required.
Inability to read source language.
Mobile data access.
Ability/process for HP to receive patients’ health data.
Involved stakeholders in the BUC definition: 
Patients or their representatives, and healthcare providers.
Application of pseudonymisation filters: 
Yes – Secondary data use.
No – Primary data use.
Basic Workflow: 

Scenario 1:

  1. Patient goes on holiday within the EU.
  2. Patient is unwell and seeks medical attention.
  3. HP requests medical history and current medications. 
  4. Patient opens App/Portal and views PS information. 
  5. Patients click on the xShare Yellow Button. 
  6. Information is translated using MVC (if required). 
  7. Translated information is then transferred to HP. 
  8. HP reads health information. 
  9. HP treats patient as appropriate. 


Scenario 2: 

  1. Patient goes on holiday within the region. 
  2. Patient is unwell and seeks medical attention. 
  3. HP requests medical history and current medications. 
  4. Patient opens App/Portal and views PS information. 
  5. Patients click on the xShare Yellow Button. 
  6. Information is translated using MVC (if required). 
  7. Translated information is then transferred to HP. 
  8. HP reads health information. 
  9. HP treats patient as appropriate. 


Scenario 3:

  1. Patient goes treatment/procedure within the EU. 
  2. HP requests medical history and current medications. 
  3. Patient opens App/Portal and views PS information.
  4. Patients click on Yellow Button. 
  5. Information is translated using MVC (if required). 
  6. Translated information is then transferred to HP. 
  7. HP reads health information. 
  8. HP treats patient as appropriate. 
Alternative Workflows: