Use Case Repository
Patient viewing of his or her own Patient Summary
This use case provides the patient with flexibility to make use of his/her personal patient summary. On the one hand, the service provides a translation of data into the suitable medical terms of the home country of the patient (for instance, when the patient is not fluent in the language of country A and needs to access his/her own clinical documents in their native language). On the other hand, it offers the patient the freedom to make the translation available to a healthcare practitioner who is not participating actively in the epSOS project.
During the epSOS project, participants agreed that the patients involved in the large-scale pilot should be informed that they are involved in the collection of personal patient data that is collected in the patient summary. They should also receive access to their personal data. In addition a patient should be supported by other value added services, in particular with an adequately translated version of his/her patient summary which s/he may in turn want to make available to medical services providers of his/her personal choice. The patient is in the case of epSOS only able to view his/her Patient Summary, not to add or record any data.